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A Lament: Was Partition Inescapable?

V. N. Sekhri
New Age Books
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From Amazon; All of us have heard stories of partition and have also read about it in history books. Here is a real life story of a man who had gone through all hose circumstances. The author has penned down in the books his memories of the lost culture, the pain and agony caused by partition, his movement from the other side of the shadow life i.e., Pakistan to India, his post-partition struggles and his tussle with life. The book is in explicit picture of all those who had to leave their hearth and home and adjust to the multifarious demands of the new land and situations. Thought the book is the author s autobiographical account, it actually epitomizes all those who have suffered, struggled and survived the tyranny, chaos and pain of partition. The book depicts the angst of the people who were trapped unaware into the violence created by the Muslim League of India and which finally led to their migration from the land of their forefathers. It would be of special interest to the generations born and brought up on both sides of the border line, after the Great Divide