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Imaging the Partition through Modern and Contemporary Indian Art

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To a generation born long after the events of 1947, what do the words "Partition of India" mean? How do those who never lived through its unspeakable trauma inherit the knowledge of the heavy human costs and the irreparable emotional burden of Partition or batwara? In her groundbreaking work The Generation of Postmemory, Marianne Hirsch tells us that one can, in fact, connect deeply to the painful experiences of the past, even if it was before one’s time. Calling it the 'postmemory' she explains that by closely listening or witnessing the stories, images, and testimonies of the time, we begin to make sense of the loss, the crisis, and the violence suffered by those who came before us. arteryindia.com/blog/post/Imagining_the_Partition_through_Modern_and_Contemporary_Indian_Art