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Aftermath of Partition

Privileged Witness: A Patriot's Journey Through Partition and the Independence of Pakistan

AC M K Janjua
Geepy Publishing

The Other India: Narratives of Terror, Communalism and Violence

O P Dwivedi

Remembering Genocide

Nigel Eltringham
Pam Maclean
Taylor & Francis

Sources of Indian Traditions: Modern India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh: Volume 2

Rachel Fell McDermott (Editor)
Leonard A. Gordon (Editor)
Ainslie T. Embree (Editor)
Frances W. Pritchett (Editor)
Dennis Dalton (Editor)
Columbia University Press

Looking backwards and forwards from Partition

Ramachandra Guha
Hindustan Times

A look back at the Partition and all the events that took place during the mass migration of people from one side of border to the other. In addition, Guha quickly touches on and re-asks many question that surround partition and the tragedy that occurred in the lead up to, during and after the drawing of the India-Pakistan border.

The Finality of Partition: Bilateral Relations Between India and Pakistan, 1947-1957

Pallavi Raghavan
St. Johns College, University of Cambridge

An academic work, (PhD Thesis). Abstract from the author: This dissertation will focus on the history of bilateral relations between India and Pakistan. It looks at how the process of dealing with issues thrown up in the aftermath of partition shaped relations between the two countries. I focus on the debates around the immediate aftermath of partition, evacuee property disputes, border and water disputes, minorities and migration, trade between the two countries, which shaped the canvas in which the India-Pakistan relationship took shape.